Sunday, September 23, 2012


I am beginning to wonder if this place will be worth the effort


With so many traps it must be something worthwhile

I wonder...

Hmmm, yes that seems good

This Nord obsession with tombs is getting tedious

I wonder what is causing these things to rise from their graves

Was it a measure that the Nords themselves put into place or was it an outside force?

Mining is not something I would want to do for a living...

...but sometimes it is worth the effort

Hm?  Am I near the surface?

Perhaps not

It seems that they do not fear the sun like some of their kind

This is good to know

Never before have I yearned for the outdoors so

I think perhaps this cave is coming to an end

At least I am back to something someone built

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I hope he does not expect mercy

Now where did he...


By the gods

Now I truly see why the Nords do not disturb these places

Am I truly meant to overlook this

Perhaps it was more surprising when it was first invented

They have truly been undisturbed for quite some time

Ah, finally

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Realm of the Spiders

Why people would allow the dead they so revere...

...egh, to molder in such vermin-infested crypts is something that I do not think I will ever understand.


Perhaps these are the reason.

I do not think I would spend much time in such places either

Although large, they do not seem overly intelligent.

Interesting, a survivor.


Ergh, of course he will run.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bleak Falls Barrow

I will stay here long enough to find whether there is a claw of gold

Hopefully that will be long enough for Whiterun to be safe again

Egh, no I do not like it here

These ones do not seem to share my distain

Perhaps they should have

Perhaps there is something to this talk of treasure in the deep places after all


I do not understand why they would bother with such locks

It would seem that they are no kinder to each other than I am to them

Yes, this will be more profitable than expected I think

My apprehensions still remain, however

Stuffing money into jars for the dead seems a little silly

I will not tell them to stop however

Hmmm, more men


A strange room

I will not pull this lever just yet, I think

Eh?  Could it be this simple?

Perhaps it was more complicated when it was invented

Although I suppose the simplicity might itself be a trick...

Or perhaps not

The Nords certainly have many dead to bury if their crypts go so deep

I am liking this place less and less


I hope this will not last much longer